Saturday, May 4, 2013

Flying Paper Sky Lanterns!

Launching paper sky lanterns is a centuries old tradition across many countries, originating in China.  Now, used on the last day of the Chinese New Year Festival they are released into the air for good luck.  In Thailand, the people write their wishes for the new year onto them, and release them to the heavens in hopes of their wishes to come true.  These flying paper lanterns symbolize good luck, new beginnings, releasing of old and wishing on dreams and hopes coming to pass.

Becoming more popular in weddings and celebrations across the globe as a symbol of good luck & new beginnings... they add beauty to any festivity!  Sarah & Paul are including this into their wedding, with a flying paper lantern for each family attending!  What a beautiful ending and last wishing of good luck onto them as a married couple!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bridesmaids dresses... Uniform or Mismatched?

A new take on Bridesmaids dresses is having your bridesmaids pick out ANY dress they want (simply in the bride's selected color choice & length desired). This give the bridesmaids a dress they will actually wear again, as they are able to pick what they prefer, and still gives the bride their color-scheme and look they want.  Most brides like to have "approval" via picture text messages, as their bridesmaids are shopping just to be safe. :)

What do you think? Do you prefer the uniformed traditional look with all Bridesmaids matching, or this new way?

Thank you to Josh Gerschutz!

Thank you to Josh Gerschutz for making these beautiful 
SAVE THE DATE cards!!!  
Love them!!  And... they look even better in person!